Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer Foods to Help You Snooze

During the summertime, it’s easy to stray from our normal diets and sleeping schedules. Vacations, parties, beach days, and other summer activities often call for late nights, long naps, and a little bit of chaos. What we often forget to consider is how our summer schedule affects the types of foods we eat and how this ultimately impacts how we sleep (or don’t sleep!) at night. This summer, try to pay attention to what you’re snacking on and how close to bedtime you’re eating.

There are a few general terms to understand when learning about food and sleep. Tryptophan is an amino acid our bodies use to make serotonin and melatonin, neurotransmitters that help calm the brain and body, allowing for sound sleep. Feeding your body more tryptophan will essentially aid this process.

Here are a few ideas for foods to enjoy and foods to avoid for a better night’s sleep.

• Caffeine: While this one may seem obvious, many people forget that caffeine—even a few hours before bed—can ruin a night of sleep. Try to avoid coffee, tea, soda, chocolate, and other foods that contain caffeine several hours before bed. Tolerance levels for caffeine are different for everyone, so use your personal judgment and experiences when deciding how long before bed to cut-off the caffeine.

• Whole Grains: Healthy whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat breads, and oatmeal can have a calming affect, allowing your mind and body to rest. Carbohydrates also tend to heighten levels of serotonin.
• Vegetable soup or fruit salad – two delicious sources of carbs and tryptophan.
• Dairy products, such as cheese, milk, and cottage cheese. Try a bowl of whole grain cereal with milk as a bedtime snack!
• Soy beans, soy milk, tofu, and other soy products
• Turkey – have a turkey sandwich made with whole grain bread before bed!
• Seafood

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