Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What Will They Say Next?

As I continue to watch the race to the White House, I can’t help but note the various gaffes that keep popping out of the candidates’ mouths. Watching it all makes me wonder whether some of these verbal slip-ups can be attributed not to incompetence but to sleep deprivation.

As I said in my last blog, it’s no secret that these candidates are enduring a whirlwind schedule. We all know how foggy and fragmented we feel when we’re sleep deprived—imagine being in that state and living with microphones and cameras in your face 18 hours a day.

No wonder we turn on the nightly news and hear Senator Obama referring to Penn State’s beloved football team, the Nittany Lions, as the “Nitally Lions.” Is it any surprise that Senator McCain spoke of the non-existant “Iraq-Pakistan” border?

These silly verbal missteps could easily be indications of improper rest and maybe even exhaustion.

So how can the candidates (and you at home) make sure you get proper rest and lead a gaffe-less existence? Here are a few simple lifestyle tips just about anyone, politician or no politician, can apply to ensure adequate rest:

- Get up and go to sleep at the same time, even on weekends.
- Make sure your bedroom is dark.
- Take all electronics out of the bedroom, and turn your illuminated clocks to the wall.
- Avoid caffeine or alcohol after about 5 pm
- Exercise at least 3 hours before bedtime.
- Allow yourself an hour to unwind before sleep.